I’m a certified 500H Yoga teacher Vinyasa and Yin specialized in Flexibility & Strength. A decade ago feeling no aches in my back and hips wasn’t always my reality. Instead I was constantly feeling physically imbalanced, my whole back felt stiff and tight and my hips felt weak and unstable.

Then one night when I was in upper back pain again, my boyfriend at the time was firmly pushing his elbow in my pain point close to my shoulder blades as so many nights before he stated “Baby you should start with Yoga! It may helps you mentally as well”.

So then I had a choice. I could go on like this or I could take action. I asked a friend to join me for a first trial Yoga Class at a yoga Studio.

And 90 minutes later I knew I would have the worst sore muscles the days after but I also felt that glimpse of relief in my body. From there onwards I was hooked.

After a few attempts on and off building a regular Yoga practice my physical pain and mental stress level always send me back on the mat. After 6 months of regular practice I felt a shift in my body from imbalance, weakness, restriction in movement and aches to lightness, lessened back pain, strength and mental clarity.

What I learned from this is that Yoga is not only stretching and chanting but it is also a body movement practice that is varied, challenging, strength building, calming and can be so much fun and creative. And yes, I also soak in all the mental benefits! It became my way of life.

There are 3 facts that you should know about me! They determine my way of teaching and why I do what I do.

I am Not a Gym Girl

I am Easily bored

I am Fun

Can you relate?

Then listen: I struggled with my discipline of building a regular body movement practice for years.

Because I was bored and not inspired to move by static stretching and gym workouts. What I was looking for: a body movement practice where I’m not actually noticing that I do strength building and gain flexibility. I wanted it fun, fluid and creative. Feeling great and energized in my body.

That’s why I design trainings that work simultaneously into flexibility and strength building through active, fun and creative sequenced classes, series, workshops and retreats.

If you want to start working on strength & flexibility in a new way of movement without loosing your motivation to build a regular practice then you are exactly right here!